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Grishaev R.A




in this paper analysis of typical subjects on corruption cases   

Ключевые слова:
crime, state problems, law   

As is well known, in modern realities, in the Russian Federation corruption offences – is one of the most common crimes, especially in the sphere of statecraft. Corruption offences made by government officials can be considered one of most dangerous crime, because they perform duties related to implementation of state functions, budget executions, etc. For its part, high level of corruption in the sphere of statecraft undermine trust and confidence in the government and tells us about deep social illness. Almost all crimes of a corruption nature are difficult to investigate, because of the high latency of this kind of crime. Identifying and exposing criminals remains difficult due to absence of eyewitnesses. Any attempt to expose criminal network by law enforcement is actively discouraged by the criminal and his accomplices. This is, in part, because the offenders are extremely interested in keeping their amoral and criminal activities in secret. They strongly try to cover up any traces of the crime using pressure on witnesses and accomplices, tamper with evidence and false statements. After analyzing a number of criminal cases in current investigation of Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Krasnoyarsk and number of cases from the archive there are three the most typical models of criminal behavior by state officials were singled out. First of all, in the corruption offences almost always there are a several participants, or there are number of people, who know about crime committing, but for some reasons they don’t report about it to the law enforcement agencies. The reason for such behavior could be threats from the authorities about dismissal, disciplinary action, careful hiding of criminal activity or just ignorance. Secondly, the head of one or another state department acts as a criminal. This person can at the same time perform the role of organizer, accomplice, instigator and perpetrator of the crime. There are several explanations for this phenomenon. One of the reasons may be the low staff turnover with the result of powerful leader with deep connections. Friendly relationship may appear between the boss and his employees. In this context, it will be easier for criminal to persuade his employees to commit a crime. Often, the head of the office has authority among workers and as a result, some, due to their nature, simply cannot resist him and silently stand idle before crime. Another interesting feature is the situation when chief use periodic encouragement what leads to loyal attitude towards him. Psychologists also call it “unconscious duty”. Third reason of corruption offences is the poor control and supervision for activity of state departments. In some cases, there is a full absence of such supervision. These situation leads to fillings of permissiveness and impunity in the mind of the head of department. The situation evolve especially fast if it take place in state agency with authority to manage budget funds. All of the above give us a reason to say that analysis of typical subjects on corruption cases is important aspect of criminalistic characteristics of the subjects of this type of crime. This activity can help to investigate and solve difficult corruption cases and expose the criminal.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №7 (16) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Grishaev R.A ANALYSIS OF TYPICAL SUBJECTS ON CORRUPTION CASES // Вестник науки №7 (16) том 2. С. 5 - 6. 2019 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/1933 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/1933

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